AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Part 4

OpenAI and ChatGPT



As highlighted in prior articles within this AI series, one of the important limitations of ChatGPT Version 4.0 is time specific. ChatGPT’s most recent general update (as of December 2023) occurred in April 2023.

Some of the most important AI developments that have occurred since April 2023 directly involve and impact OpenAI itself including OpenAI’s recent Boardroom drama and leadership crisis. The dialogue with ChatGPT in this article does not address those recent stories.

For detailed and ongoing coverage about OpenAI including new versions of ChatGPT , this writer recommends applicable articles in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required), in the “Artificial Intelligence” section of the New York Times (subscription required) as well as current and archived articles in Zvi Mowshowitz’s newsletter Don’t Worry About the Vase (paid subscription optional).


  1. The Mission of OpenAI.
  2. OpenAI’s organizational structure.
  3. OpenAI’s competitors.
  4. OpenAI’s relationship with Microsoft.
  5. What ChatGPT is designed to accomplish.
  6. ChatGPT’s current functions.
  7. Recent technical improvements to ChatGPT.
  8. Functions ChatGPT currently cannot provide.
  9. OpenAI development priorities.
  10. Other AI tools OpenAI is developing.

What is the Mission of OpenAI?

OpenAI, founded in December 2015, is an artificial intelligence research lab with a mission to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) — highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work — benefits all of humanity. The organization operates with a dual focus on both the development of AI technologies and the careful consideration of their potential impacts. Key aspects of OpenAI’s mission include:

  1. Advancing AI Technology: OpenAI is committed to advancing the field of AI through research and development. Their work encompasses a broad range of AI domains, including machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing.
  2. Safety and Ethics: OpenAI places a strong emphasis on the safety and ethical implications of AI. They conduct research to ensure that AI systems are aligned with human values, are trustworthy, and can be controlled as they become more powerful.
  3. Open Collaboration: While OpenAI began as a non-profit, it has since created a capped-profit entity to attract capital for large-scale AI research. Despite this, it remains committed to open collaboration and sharing discoveries when safe and feasible, reflecting its original ethos of open-source and transparency in AI research.
  4. Broad Benefit: A core part of OpenAI’s mission is to ensure the benefits of AI are distributed broadly and equitably across society. This includes addressing concerns about job displacement and economic inequality that may arise from advanced AI technologies.
  5. Long-Term Focus: OpenAI is concerned with the long-term impacts of AI and aims to shape the trajectories of AI development in ways that are beneficial for humanity as a whole, especially considering the potential future development of AGI.
  6. Educational and Policy Engagement: The organization also engages in educational outreach and policy discussions to promote a broader understanding of AI and its societal implications among the public and policymakers.

OpenAI is known for its significant contributions to the field of AI, including the development of GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) models for natural language processing. The organization’s work and mission are driven by the belief that careful and proactive development of AI can lead to substantial benefits for humanity, provided that ethical considerations and potential risks are adequately addressed.

What is unusual about OpenAI’s organizational structure?

OpenAI’s organizational structure is notable for several reasons, particularly due to its unique approach to balancing the goals of a non-profit organization with the demands of cutting-edge AI research and development. Here are some key aspects that make OpenAI’s organizational structure unusual:

  1. Hybrid Model (Non-Profit and Capped-Profit): Originally founded as a non-profit AI research company, OpenAI later formed a capped-profit subsidiary, OpenAI LP, under the umbrella of the original non-profit, OpenAI Inc. This structure is designed to attract private investment while still prioritizing the mission over profits. The profits of OpenAI LP are capped, meaning investors can expect returns only up to a certain limit.
  2. Mission Alignment with Profit Motive: The capped-profit model is an innovative approach to ensure that the pursuit of profits does not override OpenAI’s fundamental mission of ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. It seeks to balance the need for substantial funding required for advanced AI research with the ethical considerations of such research.
  3. Broad Coalition of Investors: OpenAI’s approach to funding and investment involves a broad coalition of investors, including traditional venture capitalists, philanthropists, and technology companies. This diverse funding base is intended to support OpenAI’s independence and alignment with its mission.
  4. Emphasis on Safety and Ethics: OpenAI places a strong emphasis on the ethical development of AI. This is reflected in its governance and operational structures, which prioritize research safety, policy engagement, and consideration of the long-term impacts of AI.
  5. Collaborative and Open-Source Oriented: Although OpenAI has shifted from its initial completely open-source model, it still aims to share a significant amount of its research with the broader community. This collaboration is seen as essential for addressing global challenges in AI and ensuring wide-ranging benefits.
  6. Commitment to AI Alignment and Beneficence: OpenAI is explicitly committed to AI alignment — ensuring that AI systems’ goals and behaviors are aligned with human values — and to the broader beneficence of their AI technologies for society.

This organizational structure allows OpenAI to pursue ambitious AI research and development goals while attempting to navigate the complex ethical, safety, and governance challenges associated with advanced AI. The structure is an experimental approach to balancing the requirements of intensive AI research with the imperative of ensuring that such research benefits humanity and is conducted responsibly.

Given OpenAI’s unique organizational structure, does OpenAI have competitors?

Yes, OpenAI, despite its unique organizational structure, operates in a highly competitive landscape of AI research and development. It has several competitors, both in the commercial and academic realms. These competitors are involved in various aspects of AI, including the development of large-scale language models, AI ethics research, AI applications in various industries, and more. Some of OpenAI’s notable competitors include:

  1. Google DeepMind: Known for its work in deep learning and AI for games (like AlphaGo), DeepMind is a major competitor in cutting-edge AI research.
  2. Google AI: Google’s AI division works on a wide range of AI technologies, including natural language processing, computer vision, and AI ethics, making it a direct competitor in many of OpenAI’s areas of focus.
  3. Facebook AI Research (FAIR): Now part of Meta Platforms, FAIR is involved in various AI research projects, particularly in natural language processing and AI ethics.
  4. Microsoft Research: While Microsoft collaborates with OpenAI, its research division also works independently on AI and machine learning technologies, making it both a partner and a competitor.
  5. IBM Watson: IBM has been a long-standing player in the AI space, with Watson being one of the early leaders in AI applications for business solutions.
  6. Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS provides a wide range of AI and machine learning services and tools, competing in the cloud AI services market.
  7. Baidu: A leading AI company in China, Baidu is heavily invested in AI research and applications, particularly in natural language processing and autonomous driving.
  8. NVIDIA: Known for its AI hardware, NVIDIA also invests in AI research and development, contributing to the competitive landscape.
  9. Academic Institutions: Top universities and research institutions around the world are also key players in AI research, often competing for talent and breakthroughs in the field.
  10. Startups and Emerging Companies: Numerous startups and emerging tech companies are constantly entering the AI space, offering innovative solutions and competing in niche areas of AI.

OpenAI’s competition is not just in developing advanced AI technologies, but also in attracting talent, securing funding, influencing AI ethics and policy, and gaining market share in various AI-driven applications and services. This competitive environment drives innovation and growth in the AI field.

What is OpenAI’s relationship with Microsoft?

OpenAI has a significant and strategic relationship with Microsoft, marked by collaboration and investment. This relationship has evolved over time, reflecting both companies’ commitment to advancing the field of artificial intelligence. Key aspects of this relationship include:

  1. Investment and Partnership: Microsoft announced a billion-dollar investment in OpenAI in 2019. This investment was part of a larger partnership aimed at advancing AI technologies. The collaboration was focused not only on funding but also on leveraging Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing service to support OpenAI’s research.
  2. Azure as OpenAI’s Preferred Cloud Provider: As part of the partnership, OpenAI agreed to use Microsoft Azure as its primary cloud provider. This was important for OpenAI, given the substantial computational power required for training and running advanced AI models.
  3. Co-Development of AI Technologies: The two companies have been collaborating on the development of AI technologies. Microsoft has been particularly interested in integrating OpenAI’s advanced natural language models into its products and services.
  4. Licensing Agreement: Microsoft obtained a license to use OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, allowing it to integrate this advanced AI model into Microsoft products and services. This integration aims to improve and innovate on Microsoft’s customer offerings in areas such as conversational AI.
  5. Strategic Alignment: Both companies share a strategic alignment on the ethical development and deployment of AI. Part of their collaboration involves ensuring that AI is developed and used in a responsible manner, in line with both companies’ AI ethics principles.
  6. Ongoing Collaborative Projects: Microsoft and OpenAI continue to work on various AI projects, leveraging each other’s strengths – OpenAI’s cutting-edge AI research and Microsoft’s cloud computing infrastructure and engineering expertise.

This relationship between OpenAI and Microsoft is notable for its scale and the mutual benefits it offers to both parties, as well as the broader AI community. It exemplifies how large tech companies and specialized AI research organizations can collaborate to advance AI technology while also addressing important aspects like AI ethics and safe deployment.

What is the purpose of ChatGPT? What is it designed to accomplish?

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) family of language models developed by OpenAI, designed specifically for conversational AI. The primary purposes and objectives of ChatGPT are as follows:

  1. Conversational Interface: ChatGPT is tailored to facilitate natural, human-like conversations. It is capable of understanding and generating text in a conversational style, making it suitable for applications like chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer service tools.
  2. Information and Assistance: It is designed to provide information and assistance across a wide range of topics, from answering general knowledge questions to offering advice or explanations on more complex subjects. ChatGPT can also assist with tasks like composing emails, generating creative content, or helping users understand difficult concepts.
  3. Learning and Adaptability: ChatGPT is trained on a diverse range of internet text, allowing it to learn from a vast array of information sources and adapt to different conversational contexts and styles.
  4. Accessibility and Ease of Use: By offering an intuitive conversational interface, ChatGPT makes information and digital interactions more accessible to users, regardless of their technical expertise.
  5. Research and Development in AI: ChatGPT serves as a platform for ongoing research and development in the field of natural language processing and conversational AI. Its performance and interactions provide valuable data that can be used to improve AI models.
  6. User Engagement and Entertainment: ChatGPT can engage users in entertaining and creative conversations, including storytelling, joke-telling, and engaging in light-hearted dialogue.
  7. Ethical AI Interaction: OpenAI aims to develop ChatGPT in a way that adheres to ethical guidelines, ensuring that it provides respectful and unbiased responses.
  8. Language Model Experimentation: ChatGPT is part of OpenAI’s broader effort to explore the capabilities and limitations of large language models, helping to understand how such models can be made more useful, safe, and aligned with human values.

In summary, ChatGPT is designed as a versatile conversational agent that can engage users in meaningful and helpful interactions, while also contributing to the broader field of AI research and development. It exemplifies the potential of AI in enhancing communication and information access in a wide range of contexts.

What technical improvements have been made to ChatGPT since February 2023?

Since February 2023, several technical improvements have been made to ChatGPT:

  1. Release of GPT-4: In March 2023, OpenAI released GPT-4, a significantly improved large language model over its predecessor, ChatGPT (GPT 3.5). This version offers enhanced capabilities in language understanding and generation.
  2. Plugins for GPT: In March 2023, OpenAI launched Plugins for GPT, enabling the model to connect to third-party services via API. This extended its capabilities beyond just a chatbot, allowing for more dynamic interactions and access to a wider range of information.
  3. Web Browsing Capabilities: Announced in May 2023, OpenAI expanded ChatGPT’s functionalities to include web browsing. This feature, along with Plugins, was made available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, allowing the AI to access and retrieve information from the web in real-time.

These improvements reflect significant strides in enhancing the model’s capabilities, making it more versatile and powerful in various applications.

What types of AI functions is ChatGPT currently unable to provide?

ChatGPT, like other advanced language models, has several limitations in terms of the AI functions it can provide. Understanding these limitations is important for users to have realistic expectations of its capabilities. Here are some of the key functions that ChatGPT is currently unable to provide:

  1. Real-Time Information and Updates: ChatGPT does not have the ability to access or retrieve real-time information or updates from the internet. It cannot provide the latest news, stock market updates, weather forecasts, or any information that is not within its training data, which only goes up until its last update.
  2. Personal Experiences or Opinions: ChatGPT does not have personal experiences or opinions. It generates responses based on patterns in the data it was trained on and does not have personal beliefs, feelings, or subjective experiences.
  3. Visual Processing and Interpretation: ChatGPT is a text-based model and does not have the capability to process or interpret visual data like images or videos.
  4. Complex Interactive Applications: While ChatGPT can simulate interactive applications to some extent, it cannot run actual software applications, perform tasks on external systems, or interact with other software in a functional manner.
  5. Physical World Interaction: ChatGPT does not have the capability to interact with the physical world. It cannot perform tasks that require physical actions, like controlling hardware, robots, or IoT devices.
  6. Personalized and Contextual Understanding: While ChatGPT can provide general advice and information, it lacks the ability to understand or remember personal context about users across interactions unless explicitly provided during the conversation.
  7. Highly Specialized Professional Tasks: ChatGPT may not be able to perform highly specialized professional tasks that require years of study and experience, such as complex medical diagnosis, legal advice, or advanced scientific research.
  8. Sensitive and Secure Information Handling: ChatGPT is not designed to handle sensitive, confidential, or secure information. It should not be used for purposes that require strict privacy or security measures.
  9. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: While ChatGPT can mimic empathetic and emotional responses, it does not truly understand or feel emotions. Its responses are based on patterns learned from data, not genuine emotional intelligence.
  10. Long-Term Memory and Continuity: ChatGPT does not have a long-term memory and lacks the ability to remember past interactions or maintain continuity over long periods.

These limitations are inherent to the current state of language model technology and reflect broader challenges in the field of AI. As AI research and development continue, some of these limitations may be addressed in future iterations or versions of AI models.

Which of these AI functions, if any, represent current OpenAI developmental priorities for ChatGPT or other AI tools?

OpenAI, as of my last update in April 2023, has several developmental priorities for ChatGPT and other AI tools that align with addressing some of the limitations of current AI models. While not all limitations can be fully overcome due to the inherent nature of AI technology, key areas of focus include:

  1. Enhancing Contextual Understanding: Improving the ability of AI models like ChatGPT to understand and respond to context more accurately is a priority. This includes better handling of nuanced conversations and providing more relevant and coherent responses over a series of interactions.
  2. Safety and Ethical AI Development: A major focus is on developing safer AI that aligns with ethical standards. This includes reducing biases in AI responses, preventing the generation of harmful or misleading content, and ensuring that AI interactions are respectful and appropriate.
  3. Language Model Fine-tuning and Specialization: Efforts are being made to fine-tune language models for specific domains or tasks, enhancing their capabilities in areas like healthcare, law, or customer service, where specialized knowledge is required.
  4. Improved Personalization: While maintaining privacy and security standards, there is an interest in enhancing the personalization capabilities of AI, enabling it to provide more tailored responses based on user preferences and history, within the confines of a single interaction session.
  5. Interactivity and Application Integration: Developing ways for AI models to interact more effectively with other software and applications is an area of interest. This could enable more dynamic and functional interactions, such as integrating with databases or external APIs to provide up-to-date information where permissible.
  6. Learning and Adaptability: Ongoing work aims to improve the learning algorithms of AI models, enabling them to adapt more effectively to new information and evolving language use.
  7. User Experience and Accessibility: Enhancing the user experience and making AI tools more accessible and user-friendly is a continual goal, ensuring that these technologies can be effectively used by a wide range of people.
  8. Long-Term Implications and AGI Safety: For the broader AI community and OpenAI, understanding the long-term implications of advanced AI development, particularly regarding the path towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), is critical. This involves research into AI alignment, robustness, and control.

It’s important to note that while OpenAI is addressing these priorities, some challenges, such as real-time information access and physical world interaction, are more fundamental and may not be fully resolved in the near term. The development of AI technology is a rapidly evolving field, and priorities can shift as new advancements and challenges emerge.

Besides ChatGPT, what AI tools are OpenAI currently developing and what are their intended purposes?

As of April 2023, OpenAI was developing and maintaining a range of AI tools besides ChatGPT, each with its specific intended purposes. Here are some of the key tools and their primary applications:

  1. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) Series:

– This series includes models like GPT-3 and any subsequent versions. They are designed for natural language processing tasks, including text generation, translation, summarization, and conversation. These models power a wide range of applications in various industries, from content creation to customer support.

  1. DALL-E:

– DALL-E is an AI program that generates images from textual descriptions. Its purpose is to aid in creative processes, such as graphic design, art creation, and visualization of concepts. It demonstrates the ability of AI to understand and interpret human language to create relevant visual content.

  1. Codex:

– Codex is an AI system designed to translate natural language into code. It powers GitHub Copilot, which assists programmers by suggesting code snippets and entire functions in real-time. Codex is intended to improve developer productivity and assist in educational contexts for learning programming.

  1. CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining):

– CLIP is a neural network that efficiently learns visual concepts from natural language supervision. Its purpose is to understand and categorize images based on textual descriptions. CLIP can be used for tasks like image classification, object detection, and creating AI art.

  1. OpenAI Gym:

– OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It provides a wide variety of environments to test algorithms, helping researchers and developers to advance the field of reinforcement learning.

  1. Jukebox:

– Jukebox is a neural network that generates music, including raw audio, in various genres and styles. Its purpose is to explore the creative potential of AI in generating complex compositions and simulating various musical styles.

Each of these tools represents OpenAI’s commitment to advancing different aspects of AI research and development, spanning areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, coding, and creative arts. These tools aim to push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, contributing to both practical applications and fundamental research.

2023 AI Discussion Series with ChatGPT

  1. Part 1 – AI Vocabulary and Definitions
  2. Part 2 – History of AI 
  3. Part 3 – The Current AI Market 
  4. Part 4 – OpenAI and ChatGPT
  5. Part 5 – AI Tools
  6. Part 6 – AI Legal and Regulatory Developments
  7. Part 7 – AI’s Future and AI Issues

Note: neither Independent Life nor this writer is responsible for any false or inaccurate information generated by ChatGPT responses within this article.
