
AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Part 7

AI’s Future and AI Issues SERIES INTRODUCTION  ARTICLE INTRODUCTION To supplement the dialogue with ChatGPT Version 4.0 in this article, the writer recommends two additional resources: An article titled “Decoding Intentions: Artificial Intelligence and Costly Signals,” co-authored by Helen Toner in October 2023 when Toner was still a member of OpenAI’s Board of Directors. In...

AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Part 6

AI Legal and Regulatory Developments SERIES INTRODUCTION  ARTICLE INTRODUCTION As highlighted in prior articles within this discussion series, one of the important limitations of ChatGPT Version 4.0 is time specific. ChatGPT’s most recent general update (as of December 2023) occurred in April 2023. Two of the most recent and comprehensive AI legislative developments have been:...

AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Part 3

THE CURRENT AI MARKET SERIES INTRODUCTION  ARTICLE INTRODUCTION As highlighted in prior articles within this AI series, one of the important limitations of ChatGPT Version 4.0 is time specific. ChatGPT’s most recent general update (as of December 2023) occurred in April 2023. To supplement and update the following dialogue with ChatGPT, this writer recommends applicable...

AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Part 2

HISTORY OF AI SERIES INTRODUCTION ARTICLE INTRODUCTION One of the most important limitations of ChatGPT Version 4.0 is time specific. As highlighted in the Introductory article to this AI series, ChatGPT’s most recent general update (as of December 2023) occurred in April 2023. Much of “Modern AI’s” most important “history”, however, has occurred more recently...

AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Part 1

AI Vocabulary and Definition INTRODUCTION  THIS ARTICLE ADDRESSES Basic AI vocabulary plus definitions for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Generative AI Neural Networks Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) Generative-AI chatbots Prompt Engineering Effective Altruism Identify basic vocabulary for understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI). Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires familiarity with a basic set of terms...

AI Discussion with ChatGPT – Introduction

A forthcoming 7-part series of articles about Artificial Intelligence (AI) began as a personal educational exercise with three primary objectives. First, to expand this writer’s general knowledge of AI beyond: 1) AI-related articles in news publications like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal: 2) more in-depth AI coverage and analysis in newsletters such...